Are You Going Through May-Hem???

See what I did there? My standup comedy show will be coming soon… It was actually Candice’s idea, as she has been feeling the May-Hem since getting back from her lovely holiday. I thought about taking credit, but I am a nice guy like that.


Are you having thoughts like…

“Ahhhh it’s already May & I haven’t even achieved XYZ goal”

“OMG It’s May & I thought my life would be so different by now.”

“It’s already May & I am not making the progress I would have liked by now.”



Take a deep breath…


It’s all going to be alright… Actually, it’s going perfect!


Remember life is an up & down journey. Sometimes you win, & sometimes you learn & grow.


Every moment is a win!


But it’s a choice if you view it that way. Jim Carrey says, “I wish everyone achieved all their dreams in life to realize that it’s not where you will find your sense of happiness & fulfilment from”.


And through my personal experience it’s true. Think of all those people with everything & they are still miserable. And ultimately why do we want anything?


If you follow the trail of whys… it’s because we all want to feel that nice feeling within, to be happy, in a state of inner peace & to have that fulfilling feeling of having “made” it in life! And this my lovely friends… is an inside journey not an outer journey.


What you truly seek in life is from living in the present moment, loving the process & enjoying the journey not the destination…


And the secret is to live every moment as a meditation…


To feel your ever-changing breath, sensations, thoughts, emotions, loved ones, strangers, enemies, events, life & May-Hem with nothing but UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!


Then from this place you will attract your goals & the life of your wildest dreams to you effortlessly!!!


Okay you had too much Uber Eats, you hit snooze for that early morning workout, you didn’t do your Physio exercises 😜, you had a messy break up, your job had layoffs, someone you loved passed away or you are just having a rough start to the year…


Firstly, I feel for you & I am giving you the biggest virtual hug ever… But in the most loving way it’s in the past now.


And you have two choices…








Ask yourself if you knew without a doubt that you could become your dream self & create your life of your wildest dreams… Then what would be the next step?


Then focus on taking one small step after another with unconditional love…


Then you will love the ups & downs of life. You will even love May-Hem! As sometimes you win, & sometimes you learn & grow!


Every moment of life is a WIN!!!


And when you can love every present moment. Not only will you be happy, peaceful & fulfilled, but you will also be in a continuous flow state living the life of your wildest dreams!


Now what are you waiting for?


Go take that first step!!!


Much love,


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