How SmartMoves Physiotherapy can help alleviate Vertigo symptoms with effective treatment!

Vertigo is something that people live with every day with varying levels of success. Some people just put up with it and power on whilst others avoid activities which make it worse. These issues can often go unaddressed, lost amongst other complaints that bring people to the clinic. But did you know that we as physiotherapists can help with some of these vestibular issues? It was just last week that we had someone come in for something completely unrelated to their balance and yet was found to be struggling with it.

I know the question on your lips is probably, what on earth is the vestibular system? It’s really just a fancy word for one of your balance systems. Its role is to give you balance and orientation in space. It’s made up of lots of different pieces all performing important roles and working cohesively to provide a clear picture for your brain to interpret and act on. With a complicated system like this, there are quite a few things which can go wrong in the process, leading to symptoms of vertigo.

There are many symptoms which may indicate a cause of vertigo that we can help with. Some of these symptoms include dizziness; with positional changes or head movement, rolling in bed/getting out of bed, turning quickly when walking, and difficulty maintaining focus when walking/moving. Of course, any dizziness or giddiness which is; sudden onset, associated with a viral illness, prolonged/persistent or associated with hearing loss, should be attended to medically to rule out some of the other causes of dizziness not amenable to physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy is a really effective way to manage a wide ranging causes of vertigo. In some cases and with some diagnoses, we can eradicate the symptoms rather quickly! Other cases take time and consistent effort. When being assessed for your vestibular issues at SmartMoves, you can expect a thorough subjective assessment, a comprehensive physical examination, and treatment as well as exercises which are targeted towards your deficits, helping you move smarter not harder.


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