Massage for your Mind!

We all know massage is a great way to help us relax and reduce tension in our muscles, but did you know that it also has a huge impact on our mental health?

Whether you know someone who has had a mental health issue, or you have experienced a difficult time yourself, we are becoming very aware that mental health issues can affect anyone at any time. With 2 in 5 Australians having experienced a mental health issue in their lifetime, it is no wonder why our society is becoming more aware of the importance of holistic approaches like massage therapy and its significant impact on mental health.

Massage provides deep relaxation which then in return decreases the effects of stress in our body and mind. During this relaxation stage our bodies produce natural antidepressants or our ‘happy hormones’, serotonin and dopamine. As the happy hormones are released into the body this immediately improves our mood, reduces stress, anxiety and has a positive effect on symptoms relating to depression and mental health issues. It has been noted that immediately following a massage session, and over a course of treatment, massage can significantly alter the biochemistry of our bodies.

One of the great things about massage therapy for help with mental health concerns, is that it is a low-risk option for people to turn to. It is a beautiful and gentle way to feel connected with our bodies and enjoy the happy hormones at their best!

Incorporating massage therapy into your mental health toolkit is a simple yet impactful step toward self-care. It’s not just a luxury; it’s a valuable investment in your overall well-being. So, if you haven’t experienced the therapeutic benefits of massage yet, consider giving it a try today. Your body and mind will thank you, as you embark on a journey of relaxation, healing and improved mental health.


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