Returning to Running After Having Your Baby: A Safe and Supportive Journey

Returning to running post-partum can be a daunting thought, but remember, you are not alone in this experience! Seeking guidance from a Women’s Health Physiotherapist can be a valuable step towards ensuring a safe and effective return to exercise and daily activities. At the 6-week mark post-partum, a professional assessment will examine your core, pelvic floor, and gluteal strength, as well as review your running technique, setting you on a path towards a gradual and well-supported approach.

During pregnancy and childbirth, your body goes through remarkable changes to accommodate the growth and birth of your baby. It’s essential to acknowledge and respect these changes as you embark on your post-partum running journey. Patience and listening to your body become vital components of your approach to post-natal fitness.

As you eagerly anticipate returning to running, it’s essential to embrace the concept of gradual progression. Following the recommended guidelines, wait for at least 3 months before engaging in full running sessions. Begin with low-impact exercises that focus on pelvic floor and abdominal strength during the early post-natal period. As your body adapts and strengthens, you can gradually introduce higher impact activities.

3 steps to return to running post-partum:

  1. Book in for a 6 week post-natal check with your Women’s Health Physiotherapist

  2. As per the running guidelines, it is strongly advised to wait 3 months before returning to full running. Start with gentle pelvic floor and abdominal strength early in the post-natal period

  3. Take a graded physiotherapist approach to return to high impact exercises

Returning to running after having your baby is a journey that requires patience, support, and dedication. By working with a women’s health physiotherapist, focusing on core and pelvic floor exercises, progressing gradually, and prioritising overall well-being, you can confidently and safely resume running. Embrace this transformative time, cherish the moments, and celebrate every step towards a healthier and stronger you.


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