Scoliosis – How can Physiotherapy help?

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a general term for spinal conditions that impact the normal curvature of the spine. It is most often diagnosed in childhood with the growth spurts. There are 2 types of scoliosis: structural & functional scoliosis.

1.       Structural scoliosis: a congenital curvature of the spine where it has a physical set curve in the spine due to vertebral abnormalities.

2.       Functional scoliosis: where the spine appears to be curved but it is actually the result of imbalance elsewhere in the body eg. Different leg length, muscle imbalance or posture.

Cases may vary from mild to severe, which means that the treatments for the condition can vary. Physiotherapy is beneficial for all cases of scoliosis however depending on the severity, other treatment options such as bracing and surgery may be required.

How do I know if I have scoliosis?

-          Shoulders may be uneven (one shoulder is higher than the other)

-          Head is not centered directly above pelvis

-          One or both hips are raised or unusually high

-          Waist or trunk is uneven

-          Rib cages are at different heights

-          The entire body leans to one side

-          The appearance or texture of the skin overlying the spin changes eg. Dimples, hairy patches, colour abnormalities

Treatment – How can physiotherapy help?

As mentioned previously, the severity of the scoliosis will determine the most appropriate treatment however the benefit of physiotherapy is that it’s relevant at all stages. Your physiotherapist will conduct a thorough assessment and then form a tailored plan that consists of strengthening and stretching certain muscles, improving core and trunk stability, incorporate range of motion and breathing exercises, education on eliminating aggravating factures or modifying your ergonomic set up and potentially provide you with manual therapy such as soft tissue releases to certain muscles.

Pilates is also an excellent form of ongoing management in conjunction with medical treatment in improving strength, range of motion, posture and reducing muscle imbalances.

If you suspect scoliosis, get in touch with our physiotherapy team who can manage your scoliosis early and prevent further negative impact on your function and quality of life.


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