What is the actual recommended amount of exercise that you should be doing a week?

 We know as adults that it is essential to stay physically active and to exercise but what type of exercise is recommended and how much are we supposed to do to stay healthy and fit?

The Australian Guidelines tell us that Australian adults should preferably be active every day. However, each week it is recommended:

·         2.5 – 5 hours of moderate intense physical activity. That is roughly 30mins at least 5 days of the week. This includes: brisk walking, golfing, mowing the lawn, cycling or swimming.

·         1.25-2.5 hours of vigorous intense physical activity which is about 30mins at least 2 days of the week. A good way to measure if your exercise intensity is vigorous is if you cannot maintain a conversation during the activity due to the intensity. Exercise includes: jogging, aerobics, pilates, fast cycling, swimming or other sports.

·         Muscle or resistance strengthening at least 2 days of the week. This can include: squats, push ups, lifting weights or push ups.

Incidental activity is exercise which is incorporated into our everyday lives. This can include:

-          Walking or riding your bike to work instead of driving

-          Going up the stairs instead of taking the elevator or lift

-          Getting off the bus one stop earlier and walking the rest of the way

-          Walking around at work instead of sitting all day if possible

So what are you waiting for? Meeting these guidelines could be

-          Incorporating a brisk walking 30mins during your lunch break

-          Joining a pilates or gym class

-          Purchasing resistance weights or a gym membership

-          Riding your bike to work instead of driving

Simple changes like these that allow you to achieve these exercise guidelines will significantly reduce your risk of disease, prevent unhealthy weight gain, maintain strong bones and muscles, create opportunities for socializing and meeting new people, help develop and maintain mental well being and maintain or improve blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.


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