Chronic Pain

Pain is a normal function that helps us determine whether we are in danger. A painful stimulus eg landing on your knee activates receptors in the area to send a message of pain to your brain to tell you to protect your knee and be careful next time!

Any injury will go through different phases. The first stage is the acute phase of an injury. Pain may be intense at first and my be a result of mechanical pressure to any area, damage to tissue or inflammation. Most to the time this pain should settle in 3 - 6 months.

Chronic pain is where pain is long lasting and may be present without evidence of tissue damage or inflammation. Our understanding of chronic pain is increasing in the last 10 years and treatment approaches have changed with it.

Chronic pain can be linked to depression, anxiety, fear of movement or re-injury, and poor management of the injury in the acute stage. Even stress can impact upon our experience of pain.

Chronic pain may be treated quite differently to acute injuries. It takes time, commitment and effort to achieve functional goals. Overall, it’s a journey and it’s one that we’re excited to guide you through.

SmartMoves physiotherapists will give you a clear understanding of modern pain science and the relationship between you and your pain. We can help you overcome fear of movement to enable a return to a more enjoyable and active lifestyle.